Although deaf people can't ultimately hear, deaf people can still be involved in the realm of music. In fact, there are many famous deaf musicians such as Ludwig Von Beethoven and Robert Franz. The way deaf musicians listen to music is by listening and feeling the vibrations of the sound waves. Both deaf people and non deaf people register sounds in the same brain center, so being deaf really is not a big problem in listening and enjoying music.
Because I am not deaf, I have a really hard time grasping this concept. I just don't understand how someone who does not have the ability to listen to sounds can be a musician, yet alone an outstanding musician such as Von Beethoven. I understand the fact that they feel the vibrations to listen to the different tones of music, but it is still a very intriguing topic for me. Again, the biggest thing that I have a hard time understanding is the way deaf people feel music vibrations. I don't understnad how someone can feel music. I hear music. I don't know how to feel music. If i try to touch the vibrating sound waves, I am pretty sure I will not be able to notice the different tones of music.
Even though this topic is very intriguing, learning about this topic gives me some insight on how Beethoven and other fmaous musicians worked around their disability. It is amazing to see that a disability that is so important in their field still didn't stop them from pursuing their passion. Not only did they continue to do the thing they loved, but they also became successful. This topic just shows that nothing is impossible. If ou want to do somthing you love, there is always a way around a setback in order for you to do the thing that makes you happy.
Andrew Kim
Period 5
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